
Scientific interests: The mechanisms of biological effects from ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, modification of exposure effects, cellular biology and cellular technologies.


Graduated in 2017 from Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Biology Faculty, with a qualification of Biologist/Educator of Biology and Chemistry. Same year joined the Institute of Radiobiology in a position of a junior researcher of a Combined Effects Laboratory. In 2019, completed an MA course in Biology at his Alma Mater and joined IRB’s post-graduate course in Radiobiology to work on his PhD thesis titled “In vitro screening of photoprotective properties of the extracts from wild lichen species of Belarus” under scientific supervision of Dr. Olga Khramchenkova, PhD, Ass. Prof. From 2020 onwards, a researcher of the IRB’s Department of BioSystems Sustainability.

2017 to 2019, was leading a research project titled “Examination of the photoprotective activity of lichen-based materials”.

Currently, is in charge of an ongoing research project “The mechanisms of the implementation, regulation and correction of the stable and cancer human cells viability under UV exposure with the use of lichen extracts” within the framework of the 2021–2023 State R&D Programme.

A co-author of more than 22 scientific works including 8 research papers in peer-reviewed journals.


Publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals

Khramchankova V. М., Matveyenkau M. V. Cytotoxic activity of extracts from the four lichen species against human cancer cells lines. J. Belarus. State Univ. Ecol. 2018. No. 2. P. 88–98 (in Russian).

М. Khramchankova, M. V. Matveyenkau. Cytotoxic activity of acetone extracts from lichens against human keratinocyte line HaCAT. J. Francisk Scorina Gomel State Univ. Proceedings. 2018. No. 3 (108). P. 81–86 (in Russian).

Khramchankova V. M., Matveyenkau M. V. Photoprotective activity of extracts from the five lichen species against human keratinocyte (HaCАT). J. Belarus. State Univ. Ecol. 2018. No. 4. P. 52–62 (in Russian).

V. Goncharov, A. Ye. Kozlov, М. V. Маtveyenkov, I. A. Cheshik. Estimating the effectiveness of protection against UV radiation with extracts of lichen Hypogymnia physodes in biological systems in vivo // DOKLADY of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019, vol. 63 (no. 6). P. 747–754. DOI: 10.29235/1561-8323-2019-63-6-747-754

Tapalski D.V., Nikolaev N.S., Ovsyankin A.V., Kochakov V.D., Golovina E.A., Matveenkov M.V., Sukhorukova M.V., Kozlov R.S. Coatings Based on Two-Dimensionally Ordered Linear Chain Carbon for Protection of Titanium Implants from Microbial Colonization. Travmatologiya i ortopediya Rossii = Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2019; 25(2):111–120. (In Russian). DOI: 10.21823/2311-2905-2019-25-2-111-120.

Khramchankova V. М., Matveyenkau M. V. Cytotoxic and photomodifying properties of extracts from five lichen species. J. Francisk Scorina Gomel State Univ. Proceedings. 2020. No. 6. P. 92–98 (in Russian).

Starodubtseva, M. N., Nadyrov, E. A., Shkliarava, N. M., Tsukanava, A. U., Starodubtsev, I. E., Kondrachyk, A. N., Matveyenkau, M. V., & Nedoseikina, M. S. (2021). Heterogeneity of nanomechanical properties of the human umbilical vein endothelial cell surface. Microvascular research, 136, 104168. DOI: 10.1016/j.mvr.2021.104168

Collection of scientific papers

Kondrachuk A. N., Matveyenkau, M. V., Tapalski D. V., Kozlova A. I. Study of the bactericidal activity of mesenchymal stromal cells and their culture supernatant against staphylococci (in Russian). Aktual’nye problemy mediciny = Current Issues in Contemporary Medicine, Coll. of Scientific Papers, Republ. Scientific and Pract. Conf. with Int. Partic., Gomel, 21–22 Nov 2019, Gomel State Medical Univ., 2019; vol. 1; pp. 17–21.

Contact details:

Phone: +375 25 5231897
