Aleksander KOZLOV

Aleksander KOZLOV
Aleksander KOZLOV

Researcher, Endocrinology & Biochemistry Laboratory

Scientific interests:

Biochemistry of extreme and pathology body conditions, bioactive properties of plants, mushrooms (fungi) and lichens, statistical data processing and biomedical data analysis

Education and Career:

Graduated in 2008 from Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Biology Faculty, with a diploma in Biology. Pedagogic Research, and a qualification of a Biologist, Teacher of Biology and Chemistry.

Employed with IRB Endocrinology & Biochemistry Laboratory as a researcher since graduation onwards.

Author and co-author of over 40 research papers on endocrinology and molecular biology published in scientific biomedical journals and bulletins of Belarus and Russian Federation.


  1. Kozlov A.E., Vereshchako G.G., Konoplya E.F. Kaltsii-fosfornyi obmen v syvorotke krovi i ego reguliatsiia v organizme obluchennykh krys (Calcium-phosphorus exchange in blood serum and its regulation in irradiation rats, in Russian). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Biological Series. 2011. No. 1. P. 67–70.
  1. Konoplya E.F., Vereshchako G.G., Gorokh G.A. [et al.]. Vliianie radioekologicheskikh uslovii zony otchuzhdeniia ChAES na morfofunktsionalnoe sostoianie i reaktivnost organov i tkanei laboratornykh zhivotnykh (The influence of radioecological conditions in the Chernobyl NPP exclusion zone on morphofunctional state and responsiveness of organs and tissues of laboratory animals, in Russian). Radiation Biology. Radioecology. 2011. Vol. 51. No. 1. P. 1–11.
  1. Gennady G. Vereschako, Igor A. Cheshik, Valery I. Shalatonin, Natalya V. Chueshova, Gregory A. Gorokh, Margaryta A. Bakshayeva, Aliaksandr Ya. Kazlou, Elena V. Tsukanova. Sensitivity of rats blood cells and epididymal spermatozoa to low frequency magnetic fields (50 Hz). In Russian. DOKLADY of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. 2017. Vol. 61, no. 5. P. 115–120.
  1. Vereshchako G.G., Chueshova N.V., Bakshaeva M.A., Kozlov A.E., Tsukanova E.V., Shalatonin V.I. Sensitivity of male rats reproduction system to isolated and combined effects of external irradiation (1 Gy) and magnetic field of industrial frequency (50 Hz). In Russian. J. of Bel. State University. ECOLOGY. 2017. No. 1. P. 55–62.
  1. N. V. Halinouskaya, E. V. Voropaev, I. A. Cheshik, A. A. Ivantsou, V. V. Asipkina, N. M. Halubykh, A. E. Kazlou, H. A. Kavalenka, T. S. Los. Treatment of patients with transient impairment of the cerebral circulation. In Russian. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Medical Series. 2018. Vol. 15, no. 2. P. 135–145.
  1. G.G. Vereshchako, I.A. Cheshik, N.V. Chueshova, V.I. Shalatonin, G.A. Gorokh, M.A. Bakshaeva, E.V. Tsukanova, A.E. Kozlov. Effekty sochetannogo deistviia magnitnogo polia promyshlennoi chastoty (50 Hz) i oblucheniia v doze 1 Gy v krovi i reproduktivnoi sisteme krys-samtsov. In Russian. Radiation Biology. Radioecology. 2018. Vol. 58. No. 5. P. 1–9. DOI: 10.1134/S086980311805017X